IEEE Conference World Map

Crawling the iEEE Conference Search and displays a map

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IEEE Logo Conferences World Map

Crawling the IEEE Conference Search and displays a map

What is it for?

You can use the iEEE Conference Search (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), but it is a list. I think it is much more interesting to see a map, where conferences happening.

iEEE Conference World Map

How to use it?


Probably it is better to use the .ipynb (iPython Notebook), because I am using it and probably I forgot to update the .py

What is it doin'?

  1. search iEEE Conference Database
  2. extract all infos from website
  3. ask Google for location of the adress (Geoencoding)
  4. save .kml file (for Google Earth)
  5. create World map, US Map and Europe Map

IEEE European Conferences

IEEE US Conferences


  1. Matplotlib (for Rendering)
  2. Basemap (for Map)
  3. Requests (for URL requests)
  4. BeatuifulSoup (for HTML parsing)
  5. numpy (for array)
  6. time (for timeout for Google API)
  7. simplekml (for kml)